Integrating TTFA with Major History Curricula

Take Time for Art watercolor project


Grade 5 – Egypt, Greece, and Rome

Grade 7 – World History

Warrior helmet from Ancient Greece Take Time for Art

Alpha and Omega Life Pacs

Civilizations (Grade 6) – Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome

student doing art project

Beautiful Feet

Ancient History Intermediate – Egypt, Greece and Rome

Medieval History – The Middle Ages


Begin Ancient Egyptian Art during Unit 2

Begin Ancient Greece during Unit 4

Begin Ancient Rome during Unit 5

The Middle Ages Year 2

marshmallow catapult project

Bob Jones

Bob Jones Heritage Studies 6th Grade- Egypt, Greece, Rome

7th Grade World Studies – Egypt, Greece, Rome

Ancient Greece vase painting tile

Classical Conversations

Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome – Cycle I

The Middle Ages – Cycle II

Charlotte Mason

Genesis – Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt (Use TTFA Ancient Egypt)

Joshua – Malachi & Ancient Greece (Use TTFA Ancient Greece)

Matthew – Acts & Ancient Rome (Use TTFA Ancient Rome)

Middles Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles (Use TTFA Middle Ages)

Take Time for Art's William the HIppo project

Heart of Dakota

Creation to Christ – Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome

Resurrection to Reformation – The Middle Ages

Take Time for Art's Ancient Roman bust project

My Father’s World

Begin Ancient Egyptian Art during first semester of first year

Begin Ancient Greece during first semester of first year

Begin Ancient Rome during first semester of second year

Begin Middle Ages during second semester of second year

Take Time for Art's Egyptian tomb painting project

Mystery of History

Begin Ancient Egyptian Art around week 4 when you begin studying Ancient Egypt

Begin Ancient Greece either week 17 or second semester

Begin Ancient Rome around week 31

Begin Middle Ages around week 8 (quarter 2) or begin second semester


From Adam to Us (Part 1) – Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and the Middle Ages

Exploring World History (Part 1) – Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and the Middle Ages

Take Time for Art's Ancient Egypt mummy mask project


Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome are part of Sonlight B (Ages 7-9)

The Middle Ages are part of Sonlight C

Or Middle School World History for Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and The Middle Ages

Take Time for Art's color wheel project

Story of the World

Volume I – Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome

Volume II – The Middle Ages

Take Time for Art's metal tooling project

Tapestry of Grace

Begin Ancient Egyptian Art during Unit 1

Begin Ancient Greece either in Unit 2 (Ancient Greek culture) or Unit 3

Begin Ancient Rome during Unit 4

Begin The Middle Ages during Unit 1

Take Time for Art Ancient Roman mosaic project

Veritas Press – Self-paced

Ancient Egypt – Old Testament and Ancient Egypt

Ancient Greece and Rome – New Testament, Greece and Rome

The Middle Ages – The Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation

Veritas Press – by Grade

2nd Grade – Ancient Egypt

3rd Grade – Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome

4th Grade – The Middle Ages