22 08, 2016
  • Egyptian Sphinx

Ancient Egyptians

2016-10-24T19:38:49-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

The ancient Egyptians were a fascinating people! Take a trip with us back in time to ancient Egypt through our streaming video curriculum and learn about them through their art and architecture. Along the way we’ll make some great art projects based on the art of their ancient tombs.

22 08, 2016

NCHE Conference News

2019-03-13T16:45:33-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: |

Great day at the NCHE Homeschool conference! Thanks to all who stopped by and looked at our art curriculum. Thanks also to our new customers! We received lots of encouraging words from many lovely people today. Thank you for visiting our booth and confirming our venture!

22 08, 2016

Why I started Take Time for Art

2016-10-24T19:38:49-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Most entrepreneurs will agree that starting a business is not easy.  So why would I learn to make movies and go through all the pain of starting a business around educational art videos?  In a word, passion.  Helping homeschoolers integrate history with art history and hands-on art projects is a passion. I remember those