7 03, 2025
  • Student displays Powhatan longhouse diorama

Art Projects for American History

2025-03-12T18:43:31-05:00Categories: Hands-on Learning, Uncategorized|

Are you studying US history and looking for great art projects for American history?   Would you like to link your history unit studies with great American art history and hands-on art projects, but don’t know where to start?  Or perhaps your co-op needs a great art project unit for next semester, or your

27 06, 2017
  • Hands-on art with Take Time for Art

6 Reasons Not to Include Hands-on in Your Homeschool

2019-05-10T19:13:42-05:00Categories: Hands-on Learning|

Are hands-on learning projects in your homeschool really worth the time and bother they bring to your homeschool day? Read on and find out. Here are six reasons not to include hands-on learning in your homeschool day. 1. The Mess of Hands-on Learning! Let’s face it. Hands-on Learning is Messy! You are the type