7 03, 2025
  • Student displays Powhatan longhouse diorama

Art Projects for American History

2025-03-12T18:43:31-05:00Categories: Hands-on Learning, Uncategorized|

Are you studying US history and looking for great art projects for American history?   Would you like to link your history unit studies with great American art history and hands-on art projects, but don’t know where to start?  Or perhaps your co-op needs a great art project unit for next semester, or your

13 03, 2021

Art Projects for the Renaissance!

2021-03-14T14:34:49-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Are you studying the Renaissance time period and need some great art projects for the Renaissance to make it come alive for your children? At Take Time for Art, we're telling the story of the history of the Renaissance through art history and great hands-on art projects. The great artists are here also.

11 11, 2019
  • Thomas Cole, The Consummation, The Course of the Empire 1836

Homeschool High School Art Credit the Easy Way

2019-11-12T19:30:10-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

What are you using for your homeschool high school art credit?  Does art often get pushed aside in your homeschool even when you know it will enrich your day?  Do you often wish there was a better solution that integrated with your history unit studies, and that the whole family could use? Read guest

1 03, 2019
  • Ancient Greek Tile Paintings

Art Projects for Ancient Greece!

2021-03-14T08:58:25-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Ah Ancient Greece!  That place of classical learning, classical literature, and classical art!  Come with us as we look into the history and art of Ancient Greece and make wonderful  art projects.  An Integrated  Hands-on Art Curriculum This unit on Ancient Greece will pair beautifully with your history curriculum on Ancient Greece. But it

1 12, 2018
  • Ancient Egyptian Mask Project

Ancient Egyptian Art Projects

2022-06-13T17:33:32-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Studying Ancient Egypt and looking for a great integrated art program that includes great art projects for Ancient Egypt?  Maybe your family has touched on some topics about Egypt, and you would like to round out your child’s knowledge.  Or perhaps your co-op needs a great art unit for next semester, or your family

21 11, 2018
  • Thomas Cole, The Consummation, The Course of the Empire 1836

Art Projects for Ancient Rome!

2021-03-14T14:45:52-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Are you studying the Ancient Roman time period and looking for great art projects for Ancient Rome to share with your children?  Maybe your family has touched on some topics about Rome, and you would like to round out your children's knowledge.  Or perhaps your co-op needs a great art unit for next semester

13 11, 2018
  • making connections through hands-on projects

Making Connections with Hands-on Projects!

2018-11-13T22:59:17-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Why go to all of the trouble to do hands-on projects with your children?  We’re going to explore a few reasons, and zero in on one of the most important reasons of all- making connections with hands-on projects! Hands-on Can Be Difficult In our perfect world of homeschooling, we all dream of having that

30 10, 2018

Great Art Projects for The Middle Ages!

2021-03-14T09:27:40-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

Studying the Middle Ages and looking for great art projects?  Maybe your child is simply interested in all things about knights, and you would like to round out his or her knowledge.  Or perhaps your co-op needs a great art unit for next semester, or your family is looking for activities to do together

20 12, 2017

Justifying Jonah, The Ultimate Christmas Story

2020-06-27T05:32:28-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

You’ve probably heard of the story of Jonah who famously got swallowed by a big fish, stayed in the fish’s belly for three days, and was ultimately vomited up by the fish on a beach. Apparently humans don’t digest well. What does this have to do with Christmas? Everything! It all started when Jonah was

1 11, 2017
  • The Swine Driven into the Sea by Tissot Life choices and artwork with biblical themes

Preferring Pigs in Life Choices

2017-11-01T18:32:51-05:00Categories: Uncategorized|

It’s been such a pleasure here at Take Time for Art to tell the story of history through art history and then create hands-on art projects for children to create.  I love it!  But an unexpected treat has been discovering all the wonderful artwork based on Biblical themes and life choices.  I now find